In riding a horse, we borrow freedom. - Helen Thompson

Danielle has been riding horses for over twenty years. While most of her riding experience has been in the hunter jumper world, she feels that many of the essential ways the human body moves while on horseback are similar across all disciplines. Combining her years as an equestrian with her years of practicing as a physical therapist gives her a unique skill set to help equestrians bodies move comfortably. One of the best places to assess that is with you in the saddle. Danielle offers equestrian physical therapy evaluations at your barn for optimal care.

Equestrian therapy in Palm Beach, Florida

Equestrian Physical Therapy may be for you if:

Equestrian physical therapy may be for you if you’re recovering from an injury, looking to improve your riding skills, or managing chronic pain—experience tailored treatments designed specifically for equestrian athletes to enhance performance.

  • You have pain of any kind during or after riding

  • Riding in one direction is substantially harder then riding in the other

  • You have a hard time keeping your heels down

  • You have difficulty keeping your hands quiet

  • Sitting to the trot is difficult

  • You frequently lose your stirrups

  • You are returning to riding after having had a baby

  • You are tired of hearing your trainer give the same corrections over and over again…

Equestrian physical therapy in Palm Beach, Florida

An in the saddle evaluation will likely include:

  • A strength and range of motion assessment prior to mounting

  • An Assessment at any and all problematic gaits while mounted

  • Mounted exericses to address problematic areas

  • Customized Exercise Recommendations

  • Follow up visits may be either in your home or at the barn