Equine Body Work

Horses get tight and uncomfortable too. Let’s help ease that.

In addition to having her Doctorate in Physical Therapy, Danielle is also certified in Equine Myo-manipulative Functional Therapy. The muscles of a horse respond in the same way the muscles of a human do to massage and trigger point release, and Danielle is able to apply her knowledge to the horse to achieve excellent results .

Benefits of Body Work

There are many benefits to massage, from the time the practitioner initiates touch, messages are being sent to the horses nervous system. The nervous system communicates using electrical signals, which travel throughout the body. This communication can be used to address several issues, including muscle spasms. Equine massage can also be used to cause the body to release endorphins, which aide in pain relief and a sense of well-being. This can also have a direct effect on the hypothalmus, which controls the autonomic nervous system. If pain is reduced, the body is under less stress, and this can lead to positive chemical changes within the body.

So in summary to name a few benefits:

  • Reduce inflammation.

  • Increase circulation.

  • Improve digestion.

  • Restore mobility.

  • Reduce stress and anxiety.

  • Reduce pain

**Massage is not a replacement for veterinary care. Massage professionals are not qualified to treat, diagnose, or give a prognosis of any injury or illness for your horse. Please consult your veterinarian for concerns with your animal’s health.