Week 6 Day 3

Continue to aim for an increase in the number of reps you perform this week, compared to last week.

YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t9zX54Tr5rE&list=PLef3RW5AfBTfnHNTckfDmj3eHCXfovgWP&index=22

Supine bicycles- 

Tie a resistance band around your feet Laying on your back, bring both legs up off the floor with your knees bent, slowly extend one leg at a time toward the ground, pushing into the resistance band as low as you can comfortably go. Raise arms up over your head for increase difficulty.


Fire hydrants- 

Tie a resistance band around your knees. On all fours, raise one leg out to the side with the knee bent as if you were a dog about to do your business on a fire hydrant. For an increase challenge raise support knee to hover off the ground


Quadruped kick backs- glutes-

 Tie a resistance band around knees. On all fours raise one leg behind you, with the knee bent, raising the foot toward the ceiling. For an increase challenge raise support knee to hover off the ground


Monster walks with band around knees: stand with band around knees, then come into small squat position. Step backward one leg at a time as far as your space will allow.  Try to perform this for 2-3 minutes


Lunges- band around ankles with bicep curl 

Tie a resistance band around your ankles. Stand on both legs evenly. Step to the front with one leg, bending at the knees as far as is comfortable. While holding the lunge position 

5-10 bicep curls


Pushups- modified/full 

Use your discretion, either with your knees on the ground or in a plank position, bend elbows lowering your torso toward the ground, then return to the start position.


Week 6 Stretch Day


Week 6 Day 2