Week 3 Day 2

YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5cuxlmort4U&list=PLef3RW5AfBTfnHNTckfDmj3eHCXfovgWP&index=14

Again aim to perform each exercise for more reps than you did the previous week. The exception today is the plank position.


Tie a resistance band around your knees. Standing with feet hip width apart press your legs into the band, lower your bum toward the ground as far as is comfortably possible. Try to keep your back straight and bend mainly at the knees


Bilateral banded external rotations: 

Holding the ends of the resistance band in each hand ,with your elbows at your side bent to 90 degrees. Rotate the arms away from your body while keeping the elbow by your side.


Dead bug- 

hold band in UEs: Lie on your back with knees bent. Hold a resistance band in both hands, maintaining tension on it with all movements. Start with just your legs marching in place. Once you mastered the alternating legs, you can begin to raise the left arm over head while tapping down the right leg and vice versa


Paloff press: 

With a resistance band attached to a door, grab the band in both hands and stand perpendicular to the door, then push the resistance band forward keeping the hands in midline


D2 shoulder flexion PNF

            Standing with resistance band anchored under your left foot, starting with your right hand at your left hip, then raise your right hand diagonally until it is stretched over your head (almost like you were pulling a sword out).  


Half plank or full: 

At your discretion hold either a full plank or a half plank for 10-30 secx3 reps. Try to focus on keeping your hips in line with your shoulders if you are in full plank.  





Week 3 Day 3


Week 3 Day 1