Week 5 Day 2

YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGbu9onE-90&list=PLef3RW5AfBTfnHNTckfDmj3eHCXfovgWP&index=19

Again aim to perform each exercise for more reps than you did the previous week. The exceptions today are the plank position, where you can try to hold it for longer than last week, and the lateral walks, where you can time yourself for 1-2 min.

Split squats or continue with regular Squats with band around knees

            Assume a stagger stance, if able raise back leg up onto stool, bend knees and lower towards the floor. Perform reps, then switch leading leg


Bilateral banded external rotations: 

Holding the ends of the resistance band in each hand ,with your elbows at your side bent to 90 degrees. Rotate the arms away from your body while keeping the elbow by your side.


D2 shoulder flexion PNF

            Standing with resistance band anchored under your left foot, starting with your right hand at your left hip, then raise your right hand diagonally until it is stretched over your head (almost like you were pulling a sword out).  


Lateral walks with band around ankles

With a band around your ankles, walk sideways as far as your space allows, then return to your start point. Work for 1-2 minutes 


Clocks on wall with resistance band

Place your hands on a wall with a resistance Band looped around both wrists. The farther out your feet are from the wall the harder this exercise will be. Then begin tapping your hand to each number on an imaginary clock.


Plank with shoulder taps: 

At your discretion hold either a full plank or a half plank for 10-30 secx3 reps. Try to focus on keeping your hips in line with your shoulders if you are in full plank.  Now add in tapping the opposite shoulder with your hand (IE right hand taps left shoulder) while holding the plank position


Week 5 Day 3


Week 5 Day 1