Week 4 Day 1

More than halfway to finishing the program. Again aim to increase the amount of reps you did from last week, with the goal being 3 sets of 10 or 3 sets of 15 and/or increase the time that you hold the wall sits for

YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2C0XcQgmF-E&list=PLef3RW5AfBTfnHNTckfDmj3eHCXfovgWP&index=16

Bridges- marching with band around knees

Tie a resistance band around your knees. Lie on your back with your knees bent. Slowly raise your bum off the floor. While holding the bridge position march your right leg then your left leg for 5-10 reps. Then lower your bum to the floor. 


Clamshells- band around knees- half plank 

Tie a resistance band around knees. Laying on your side with both knees bent, propped up on your elbow, raise your hips prior to raising the top leg away from the bottom, keeping the knees bent, make sure you don’t roll your hips backwards.


Rows- in half kneeling  position:

With a resistance band attached to door assume a half-kneeling position. Pull back on the resistance band evenly hold for a count of 3-5 sec. Maintain the minisquat position for all repetitions


Wall sits: 

With your back against the wall, bend your knees as far as it comfortable, no lower than 90 degrees. Hold this position for 10-30 seconds 3-5 times


Standing hip flexion with band around feet

            Place a resistance band around your feet. Standing comfortably, bring your right leg up like you are marching in place. Lower to the ground and bring the left leg up.


Single leg Romanian Dead lift: Stand on one leg, hinge at your hips and reach down toward the ground. Slowly come back up to standing, try to keep your back flat throughout the movement 


Week 4 Day 2


Week 3 Stretch Day