Week 1 Day 3

This week aim to perform each exercise for 2 sets of 10 or 2 sets of 15. If you are tired before 10, feel free to stop before then, Iā€™d rather you do 6 correctly, then lose your form and muscle through 10 reps using compensatory strategies.

YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxxK1Aog8po&list=PLef3RW5AfBTfnHNTckfDmj3eHCXfovgWP&index=3


Stand on both legs evenly. Step to the front with one leg, bending at the knees as far as is comfortable 


Supine bicycles: 

Laying on your back, brign both legs up off the floor with your knees bent, slowly extend one leg at a time toward the ground, as low as you can comfortably go.


Lumbothoracic rotations:

 Laying on your back with your knees bent, allow your knees to fall together to one side then to the other 

Fire hydrants:

 On all fours, raise one leg out to the side with the knee bent as if you were a dog about to do your business on a fire hydrant. Keep your back and pelvis as level as possible


Quadruped kick backs: 

on all fours raise one leg behind you, with the knee bent, raising the foot toward the ceiling



modified/full: Use your discretion, either with your knees on the ground or in a plank postion, bend elbows lowering your torso toward the ground, then return to the start position.


Week 1 Stretch Day


Week 1 Day 2