Week 1 Day 2

Welcome back! Hopefully you enjoyed day 1.

YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMCthEs5pBA&list=PLef3RW5AfBTfnHNTckfDmj3eHCXfovgWP&index=2

Again aim to perform each exercise for 2 sets of 10 or 2 sets of 15. If you are tired before 10, feel free to stop before then, Iā€™d rather you do 6 correctly, then lose your form and muscle through 10 reps using compensatory strategies.


Standing with feet hip width apart, lower your bum toward the ground as far as is comfortably possible. Try to keep your back straight and bend mainly at the knees


Triceps extension:

 On all fours with a band or weights, start with your elbow bent, then pull the band back so your arm extends


Dead bug:

Lie on your back with knees bent. There are many variations, begin with just your legs marching in place. Once you mastered the alternating legs, you can increase the intensity. Raise the left arm over head while tapping down the right leg.



With a resistance band attached to door assume a half-kneeling position. Pull back on the resistance band evenly.

Paloff press: 

With a resistance band attached to a door, grab the band in both hands and stand perpendicular to the door, then push the resistance band forward keeping the hands in midline


Hip circles: 

Laying on your back with your legs straight, raise one leg up into the air, now move it in circles clockwise and counter clockwise, keeping the knee as straight as is comfortably possible


Bilateral supination:

 With resistance band wrapped around wrists, start with your hands out in front of you approximately body width apart, palms facing each other. Turn your palms up toward the ceiling maintaining the tension on the resistance band 




Week 1 Day 3


Week 1 Day 1