Week 1 Day 1

Welcome! This is day one of the Sofa to Saddle program. Each day will have a list of exercises with a description, as well as a link to a YouTube video of the exercises being performed. Enjoy!

This week aim to perform each exercise for 2 sets of 10 or 2 sets of 15. If you are tired before 10, feel free to stop before then, I’d rather you do 6 correctly, then lose your form and muscle through 10 reps using compensatory strategies.

YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-fG0gwi0Bc&list=PLef3RW5AfBTfnHNTckfDmj3eHCXfovgWP&index=1&t=6s


Lie on your back with your knees bent. Slowly raise your bum off the floor. Hold for a count of three then lower slowly back down.



Laying on your side with both knees bent, raise the top leg away from the bottom, keeping the knees bent, make sure you don’t roll your hips backwards.


Hip abduction:

Lie on your side with the bottom leg bent and top leg straight. Raise the straight leg, hold at the top then slowly lower back down.


Hip adduction:

Lie on your side, bring the top leg forward and bent. Place your top foot on the ground in front of your bottom leg’s knee. Keeping the bottom leg straight, raise and lower the bottom leg, holding at the top for a count of three. 


Heel raises/lower on step: 

Stand with your legs straight heels hanging off a step. Let your heels drop toward the floor, then raise them up until your toes are pointed downward.


Hip hikes:

Stand sideways on a step or mounting block. With one leg on the step and one leg off, keeping your standing knee straight and lower the leg off the step down toward ground. Slowly raise it back up.


Week 1 Day 2


Sofa to Saddle